Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The new year. well the last one was probably one of the best years of my life so it's easy to have a positive outlook for the new one. great kids, great marriage, a job i love. what am i looking forward to? nothing I guess. I wouldn't change a thing. well it would be nice to quit the cigs. I am finally grown up enough to know that I'm happier than I deserve to be, karmically speaking.
I'm also finally smart enough to know when I've got it good.
well, that's all from the messy mind, happy new year to everyone out there.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

well it's that time of year again, when we all stop and celebrate a very special birth a long time ago in a place far away. I am of course talking about the birth of santa claus around the turn of the century in newfoundland.
I'm kidding( hopefully that was obvious ) But really the religion aspect of it never rang for me.
I'm a spiritual guy just not a religious one. so it's all about the fun for us.
When I was a kid, christmas would be going along just fine and then the clock struck 11 a.m.
church time. oh well the service usually only lasted for a million years, so it wasn't too bad.
I don't look sideways at those folks that do follow and practice organized religion, just not my cup of tea. And for my own kids I'll encourage them to follow what they want,but I would be surprised if they went that way. Miranda is not too big on religion either. so no battles there thank god ....or buddha whoever, you know what I mean.
anyways, messy christmas from the merry minded fool.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

no more calls...we have a winner

That's right Jason, the fifth was my birthday and for cracking Da Brownie code you win a genuine Fort Simpson toque- to claim your prize simply e-mail your mailing address to contest organizer at

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

well as of approx 0230GMT 42 solar circuits have been completed, and number 43 is under way.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Yeah, I eat onion now, like dad was with it though, I like the flavor of it but don't like great big gnarly chunks of it. But you guys asking me about the onion thing brought something out of the messy mind.
About a year after my first wife walked out on us, I guess Rebecca would have been about 2 years old, I woke up one morning and could hear this munch-crunch noise echoing through the apartment. I jumped out of bed and went out to the living room, and there's Beckers, sitting on the floor watching cartoons and munching on a great big onion- just like an apple. I mean taking GREAT big bites and chewing it up- I was ten feet away and those onion fumes were almost like a pepper spray. "Beckers" I said "What are you doing?" She glanced at me and says "apple"
Another time I was at the fridge, and she saw a lemon inside and asked if she could have that orange. I told her it was a lemon and she wouldn't like it, but she insisted. I peeled it and broke it into sections-she ate that whole lemon without so much as a squint.
Anyways, to get caught up, yeah mike those are all pike. There's a lake outside of Yellowknife that has char in it, but I've never been there. For trout you have to go to a lake but Salmon have been caught down by Willow river. And of course everyone else's favorite the pickerel, I don't mind catching them but for fight and ease of catching you can't beat northern pike and those bad boys are everywhere. They are actually quite yummy too if you catch them early in the year or late in the year when the water is good and cold. You have to be a bit of a surgeon to get the Y bone out of them though.
We are just getting ready to go out in the boat right now.
Sis I know, what you mean about the life jacket thing. But when I first came up north I was fortunate enough to go up to Great Bear lake on a fishing trip. When we picked up the boat we were going to use I asked the guy( he was a native elder) about life jackets he laughed. "why?" he asked " Do you want to bob around for awhile before you die?" "A life jacket won't save you,just prolong the outcome"
The water is so cold there even in the middle of the summer you got about 5 minutes before hypothermia sets in. I tested the theory by having a bath in the lake, and I tell you when I ducked under to rinse my hair it was like having your skull squeezed in a vice. I was in the water for about 8 minutes and my lips were blue and couldn't move my arms and legs very good. The other guys were gonna have a swim til they saw me when I came out of the water.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

well, I tried to post video of me and steve-o sailing down the lake (no joy on that one) so some still pics are the best I can do. Mike I guess I haven't changed much since those days on the Basin as we couldn't resist putting up a sail out on the lake in stiff wind. we used a ten by fourteen foot tarp. As i said in the video "we don't have much say in where we're going, but we're going there pretty quick"

I tried using the kicker for a tiller but it was sluggish at best.
Oh one other thing bouncing around inside the messy foolish mind, brought forth by Jason's soon to be trip home and his food list. To me as a kid growing up going to the city(halifax-dartmouth) meant one thing.....sunnyside donuts. Tim Horton's is a johnny come lately also ran to these guys. Anyone else remember sunnyside donuts? gimme a holla back, as the kids say.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

I do indeed like fish in fact I love it. I remember when I was a kid I could take it or leave it, but now it's one of my fave's. We just came back from Willow river, we took off yesterday on a whim.
While we were down there, we cooked up a twenty-five pound lake trout. mmmmm yummy. we cooked it over an open fire and it took a little over two hours. a few rums and the night was complete(except for the whole sleeping in the truck thing thanks Coleman, owe you one-Ill get ya back for that when yer a little older.)
Cooking that trout down there gave me a reason to poke around inside the messy mind. When we were kids we'd be out the door in the morning and lunch was usually a big galvanized tub full of clams, mussles and crabs that we'd dig up and catch and cook over a fire right down on the beach. Mike remembers that I'm sure. We'd tie a bunch of drift logs together and go waaay out in the Annapolis basin.
I believe Mike and I probably still hold the record for going out the furthest. I remember Barry Watson's mother just screaming at us way out on the water. I admit I was scared but Mike was fearless.
Jason, the north is here, and you are welcome to come up any time. I think that would be cool.
I know the previous post alluded to the fact that I was giving up on the excursion vacation for something more main stream...uh not yet. I'm currently planning next years trip- it's a two day trip up a river system with two portages to a lake where there's an old abandoned lodge, couple of days on the lake, trout and pickerel fishing, and then two days on the river back out. 6 or seven days total. can't get that from a travel agent.